Friday, December 28, 2012

Such Is Life

I'll be the first to admit, that when left unattended, my mind will venture into forbidden territory. I generally catch myself before wandering too far, but there are times when the attraction to the uncharted adventure reels me in like Lewis and Clark.

There was a time in my life when I preferred predictable exploration. That is, having some element of risk, but having a good idea of the out come. But, I've come to find that there is more excitement in simply allowing things to follow an unscripted course. 

Relationships can be that way. There could always be some risk involved. We would all like to experience the exciting emotional rush of new love, knowing that there will be a fairy tale ending, and that everyone lives happily ever after. But, in reality, there is always the risk of the unknown. Even with the best planned journey, there are unknown factors that could, at any point along the way, cause a detour. 

Sometimes, we just have to throw caution to the wind and, like the NIKE slogan says, just go for it. The experience alone can greatly outweigh any risk of the adventure. I've found that new adventures can awaken you to a much different world. Sure, there is that element of the unknown, but we can enjoy the ride, and make necessary adjustment when needed

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