Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Change and Perception

Change sucks. It's uncomfortable, unwanted, and hard to deal with. Well, at least that's what most people tend to think. Right now, in this particular situation, I think I fit into that category, too. Normally, I think that change is good--necessary even. But, today, I say "Aaaah!"

How is it that one day everything looks one way and the next--BOOM! Everything seems so different? No explanation, no clear-cut reason, no real foundation, just a bunch of guesses, maybes, could-be's, and fictionalized reasons floating around in your head.

I don't know, maybe it's just one's perception of reality that changes. Maybe, things haven't really changed at all...maybe; the only thing that has really changed is your realization of how the situation is. Hmmm. That's a definite possibility. Perception: the way that one views life or a given situation. Therefore, I guess my reality isn't really your reality. It couldn't be, could it? Trippy concept.

Anyone ever have that experience? That feeling? You thought one thing for a given amount of time and then, suddenly, awake to a (perceived) different reality? How did you find out if you were right? How did you make sense of it all? I'm curious.

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